The Drafting of Two International Standards for Papermaking Is In An Orderly Manner

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Update time : 2020-06-12 11:10:59

The Drafting of Two International Standards for Papermaking Is In An Orderly Manner

China National Pulp and Paper Research Institute Co., Ltd., as the domestic counterpart of the ISO / TC6 International Standardization Organization Paper, Board and Pulp Technical Committee, has been actively participating in the ISO international standardization work in the paper industry.In September 2019, China Pulp and Paper Research Institute Co., Ltd. successfully applied for the project, responsible for the revision and drafting of ISO 9184-1: 1990 Composition Analysis of Paper, Paperboard and Pulp-Fiber Composition-Part 1: General Methods, which was the first time that China led the drafting of international standards in the field of paper making.In November of the same year, China National Pulp and Paper Research Institute Co., Ltd. once again led the revision of ISO187: 1990 Paper, Paperboard and Pulp-Standard Atmosphere for Sample Processing and Testing and Monitoring Procedures. At the same time, Chinese experts were appointed as the convenor of the working group, which is the first time for China to assume the responsibility of convenor in the scope of ISO/TC6. It is also a new breakthrough made by China's paper industry in the international standardization work and further enhances the discourse power of China's paper industry in the field of international standards.
In order to better complete the drafting of these two international standards, standards drafting groups have been formed respectively, China Pulp and Paper Research Institute Co., Ltd. sent people to participate in these two international standards working groups as registered experts. At present, the revision of these two international standards is being carried out in an orderly manner.